about me
December 29, 2021

Resume \\ About me

Russian version: https://teletype.in/@uberwow/russian

I am Stanislaw aka uberwow, a self-taught data scientist who has been working in the technology industry and startups for more then 10 years.
I was always interested in programming, but never had any formal training.
My love of learning and curiosity about how things work led me to find ways of teaching myself new skills and try new things.

I like to code and create new startups. I enjoy testing product ideas and designing product architectures, such as front-end, back-end, and business logic. I am a big fan of Python and its many libraries, which allow for a fast and efficient creation of minimum viable products (MVPs) to test concepts. Additionally, I enjoy researching new topics in machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and language models (LLMs)

My competencies:

  • Project management, team organization; (YouTrack)
  • Product architecture and MVP creation;
  • Product UI/UX concept creation; (Figma, Balsamiq Mockup)
  • Development: Python, C/C++, Pascal, ASMx86;
  • Binary file analysis and reverse engineering; (IDA, x64dbg)
  • Vulnerability research, fuzzing, application debugging; (WinAFL, BinDiff, DynamoRIO, PinTools)
  • Compiler development, code obfuscation, AST parsing and construction;
  • Text mining, NLP: Clustering, classification, structuring, summarization, entity extraction;
  • Data mining: Data preprocessing, dataset creation, cleaning;
  • ML/DL;
  • Data parsing, scraping from open sources;
  • Telegram bot and web crawler development;
  • ASR, STT, TTS: Speech recognition and synthesis;

My interests:

  • Creating and developing projects for startups;
  • NLP: Text classification, analysis, and processing, language models, transformers;
  • Web crawling, scraping, data parsing, data collection;
  • Knowledge graphs, graph databases, expert and recommendation systems;
  • Smart chatbots, conversational AI;
  • text2image models;
  • Cybersecurity, malware analysis, behavior analysis;
  • Hardware, robotics, drones, DIY;
  • Computer Vision: OpenCV, dlib, Object recognition, Object tracking, DeepFace;
  • Compilers: AST, syntax parsing, code generation;
  • Age hacking: Life extension, aging deceleration, health and fitness;
  • Analysis of correlations and dependencies from sensors (Apple Watch, Oura Ring, smart scales, dietary analysis) for health monitoring;
  • Self-improvement, spiritual growth, mindfulness practices.

My projects:

Anykey.repair - web service were you can get remote help from experienced users with your problems with PC and software.

ELSE - AI based SaaS service for Speech recognition, transcription & auto-logging of online meetings and conferences.

RssCloud - AI based Mobile application application to prevent overwork when working at the computer

RestTime - AI based desktop application for collecting, analyzing and generation personalized content based on user given sources

ReStartup - Web app to connect owners, developers and investors for required resources to run startups

Textgen.ai - AI based SaaS service for unique content generation based on provided from user sources and phrases.

@bookscrawler_bot - Telegram bot with indexation of books from telegram channels


  • Python 4+ years
  • C\C++ 5+ years
  • Data mining 2+ years (Selenium, Requests, BeautifulSoup4, pyscrapy)
  • Data preprocessing 2+ years (Pandas, Matplotlib)
  • Machine learning (Pandas, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Scikit-Learn, Catboost, XGBoost, Classification & Clusterization, SVM, Decision Trees, Feature Extraction, Feature engineering)

Points of contact:

First of all I'm interested in Deep Tech AI startups: med-tech, ed-tech, wellness, NLP, conversational chatbots, BI data mining, fintech) with a well-defined idea, MVP, conducted custdev and validated working hypothesis. If any of these criteria align, we can find synergy.
  • I can assist with transforming your idea into a meaningful technical specification.
  • I can help with project architecture planning and MVP preparation.
  • I can assist in creating the visual aspect of the prototype, UX (from a user experience perspective - for design, consult a designer :))
  • I can help with organizing the process of team search and recruitment.
If you are a mentor or seeking a mentor, I'd be happy to connect.
If you are a developer, product manager, or investor, please get in touch - I am building a team, contact information below.


  • Security-Band (https://security-band.com/)
  • FutureAGI Syndicate
  • Titanida Business Group (https://titanida.com)
  • k0b1x team

Collaborative projects:

NFT Scanner - SaaS B2C\B2B service for analyzing NFT works for uniqueness, degree of similarity to other works indexed in the database, analysis for plagiarism and passing off other works as your own. (The MVP of the project was done as part of the Definition Hackathon in the Rarible track of the SecurityBand team). The project used algorithms of clustering, fuzzy hash (ssdeep), perceptual hash, avarage hash (MeanHash). Presentation: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/qsDm/wm1BYYWdu. Project demo: https://youtu.be/EnmbVleOJwQ

Voicecover - service for the voice-over translation of video clips in two directions: from Russian to English and from English to Russian. https://vc.ru/tribuna/356914-my-sdelali-zakadrovyy-perevod-na-angliyskiy-russkoyazychnyh-video?comments

BEC Email Analyzer - AI based Chrome & Firefox extension for business input emails analysis for malicious content by heuristics, ML, attachment checking and fuzzy hashes. https://github.com/progressionnetwork/-KVIRIN_Email_Secure_Analiser / https://titanida.com/bec_email_analyzer

XML Deep Analyzer - Web panel and back logic for input\output XML files deep analysis for malicious content with YARA, fuzzy hashes, ML and antivirus engines. https://github.com/progressionnetwork/vtb_handler_full / https://titanida.com/xml_deep_analyser

JustDoctor - AI (NLP) based web service to help doctors for determining the likelihood of inpatient mortality based on a patient's medical history. https://github.com/progressionnetwork/justdoctor / https://titanida.com/justdoctor

Progress Antivirus - Desktop Windows GUI app as part of antivirus product system, for malicious objects detection via heuristics, ML, blacklisting and proactive components. https://github.com/progressionnetwork/Progress-Antivirus-GUI

Progress Backer's Invest Panel - Frontend of investor's panel of ICO\IDO\Token sale for Progress project to sell PRU tokens. https://github.com/progressionnetwork/Progress-Backer-s-Token-sale-Panel / https://titanida.com/progresstokensale

IcoPixels.io - Pixel ad sale (like a legendary milliondollarhomepage.com) for projects of blockchain, crypto-currency, ICO (TGE, Token Sale). https://github.com/progressionnetwork/IcoPixels.io / https://titanida.com/icopixels_io_en

StringHeur - Part of heuristic engine for malicious strings&data detection in any files. https://github.com/progressionnetwork/StringHeur


Email: progression.official🌍gmail.com



Github link: https://bit.ly/3FSnvDS